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Re-Engage Resilience Masterclass
|Online Event, Zoom Access
Imagine your life where you recover quickly because you prioritize yourself. Self-Care is Important!

2022年11月22日 12:22 – GMT-7 14:22
Online Event, Zoom Access
Imagine your life where you recover quickly because you prioritize yourself. Self-Care is Important!
We are all born resilient, however sometimes we forget how to access it then the circumstances, traumas, life situations, take over and we are left feeling alone, depressed, overwhelmed or there is nothing left for ourselves at the end of the day.
Learn the tools you need to re-engage your resilience in this fun interactive masterclass.
This masterclass has been designed for those that want to take a mental health class, however do not want to spend 6-8 hours in class.
1 day for 2 hours...
11/22/22 at 12:22pm MDT
ONLY $22.22 (value of $99)
Only 100 spots available for this class.
Secure Your Spot NOW
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That's okay...everyone who registers will get access to the recording.
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Grab your lucky spot now.