Who am I??....
My name is Kelli Hansen and I am the creator of this movement.
Welcome to our family!!
A little bit about me and why I am so passionate about saving lives, also why I knew I needed to create this page and start a movement to break the silence that surrounds suicide and mental health....
I have been working hand in hand with The BRI Project for many, many years trying to spread awareness for the chocking game, teen risky behavior and suicide prevention. I never really truly understood what it all meant until I lost my middle sister Carrie Lyn almost a year ago on Feb 20th, 2016 when she lost her battle with this thing we call life and took her own life. I'll tell you more about her story in another post, but for now I want you to know that you're not alone, suicide is not the answer to end your pain, not the answer to end the small blip of negativity that may be surrounding you at this very moment.
I understand mental health conditions are a real thing and sometimes people can't control their thoughts, but have you stopped to think about what happens after you're gone? What happens to your loved ones that are left behind that still have to live the rest of their life without you in it? Although you may feel these people don't care or would be better off without you here, you are WRONG!!!
Everybody's story is different that is why I wanted to start this movement that puts a face to a name, puts a story in your face and brings light to the darkness that so many people fall victim to. It's time to speak up, it's time to tell your story, it's time to save lives and it's time to give all people access to mental health providers, resources, education and alternative care. We can all take a stand, talk and break the silence. You don't have to pretend that your family member or friend that "completed suicide" just died from whatever story was made up so no one actually talked about them completing suicide. Or maybe your family just doesn't mention their name or maybe you're so mad or sad you don't know what to do. Any of that sound familiar?? Well here is your avenue to put in peoples faces and tell your story. We will have several people tell their story, post the pictures and allow healing to start.
I'll tell you that when I was younger I always said that I would never go to someones funeral that completed suicide because it was so selfish; but after losing 2 cousins, an ex-boyfriend, several friends and family members of friends and then my sister who I was the closest to growing up; I obviously changed that tune and decided enough is enough!! I know I can't save the whole world, but if my words or someone else's words helps to save at least one more life, then this is worth every moment of time put into this movement, every tear, every heart break. This is a new journey that my family unfortunately has to travel now and it's a new journey that so many families have to travel. Join our journey and I'll help you tell your story.
Thank you for living! Thank you for being here! Thank you for reading and sharing! THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU!